Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality II: Achieving More Effective Conservation
Edited by Pete Nowak and Max Schnepf
168 pages, softbound
ISBN 978-0-9769432-8-0
Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality II builds on the first conference and book by going beyond the science of soil and water conservation to examine the effectiveness of practice application, beginning with the tools and methods used to identify vulnerable areas, manage environmental risk, and target risky behaviors.
The book contains papers commissioned by the SWCS for each of the subthemes identified by the conference committee:
- Assessing landscapes: Vulnerabilities and values.
- Targeting risky behaviors on vulnerable landscapes.
- Institutional challenges to managing environmental quality on agricultural landscapes.
- Measuring conservation effectiveness across agricultural landscapes.
In addition, the book includes two keynote papers and a final synthesis paper written by Pete Nowak who served as program chair for the conference.
Jim Gulliford
Max Schnepf
From connecting the dots to threading the needle: The challenges ahead in managing agricultural landscapes for environmental quality
Peter M. Groffman, Arthur J. Gold, Lisa Duriancik, and R. Richard Lowrance
Vulnerabilities & values: Expanding our understanding of human aspects of complex watershed processes in the study of nonpoint-source pollution
Douglas Jackson-Smith
Lessons learned from managing vulnerable landscapes during agrarian transitions in metropolitan regions (Free Access)
Laura R. Musacchio
Targeting risky management in vulnerable landscapes
Andrew Sharpley, Todd Walter, and Adel Shirmohammadi
Will good timing lead to better conservation policy? The opportunity for new research results to inform the next farm bill
Jeffrey Zinn and Lisa Duriancik
Techniques for changing risky behaviors on vulnerable landscapes
Catherine L. Kling
Institutional challenges to managing environmental quality on agricultural landscapes
Craig Cox
If not conservation districts, what?
R. Neil Sampson and Robert W. Sampson
The great awakening: Transitioning from top-down to bottom-up conservation
Richard L. Knight
Achieving effective landscape conservation: Evolving demands, adaptive metrics
Gretchen F. Sassenrath, John D. Wiener, John Hendrickson, Jeanne Schneider, and David Archer
Watershed evaluation of beneficial management practices: Lessons learned measuring landscape processes in Canada
D.B. Harker, L. Clearwater, K. Broersma, L. Chow, D. Hebb, D.R. Lapen, J.J. Miller, T.A. Scott, V. Stuart, E. van Bochove, and J. Yarotski
Integrating conservation with biofuel feedstock production
Matt Liebman, Matthew J. Helmers, and Lisa A. Schulte
Taking conservation seriously as a wicked problem
Sandra S. Batie
Managing agricultural landscapes for conservation
Pete Nowak