January 8, 2014

The Soil and Water Conservation Society is currently seeking oral presentations, posters, symposia, and workshops for the 69th International Annual Conference, Making Waves in Conservation: Our Life on Land and Its Impact on Water, in Lombard, Illinois, on July 27-30, 2014. The extended submission deadline for presentations, symposia and workshops is January 15, 2014. The extended deadline for poster submissions is January 31, 2014. You can submit all materials online at our website

There are three tracks for submission. Special consideration will be given to proposals addressing new insights, techniques, and/or advancements in the ten traditional areas of focus outlined under general conference submissions. Submit to one of the following tracks: 
  • Lake Erie Case Studies: The Challenge of Maintaining Improvements
  • Cover Crop Practices: Application, Innovation, and Management
  • 2014 General Conference Submissions – Making Waves in Conservation: Our Life on Land and its Impact on Water
o Adaptive Management of Conservation Efforts
o Agricultural and Conservation Economics
o Biodiversity Conservation and Management
o -NEW- Conservation in Nontraditional Agriculture
o Conservation in Urban Settings
o Conservation Models, Tools, and Technologies
o Conservation Policy and Program Design
o Outreach, Education, and Community Engagement
o Soil Health Resources, Indicators, Assessment, and Management
o Water Resource Assessment and Management
In addition to the three conference tracks, presenters may choose from two specialized symposia topics. Submitting to one of these symposia will require Q&A or panel discussion as part of the presentation. 
  • Increasing Intensity: Rethinking Precipitation Averages and Outliers in Conservation Design and Planning
  • Informing Conservation through Social Sciences: Understanding the Human Component of Land Management Stewardship
To view more detailed information about submissions, topic areas, and the Annual Conference, visit www.swcs.org/14ac.


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