August 1, 2019
Wisconsin Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society members and friends, please hold Thursday August 1, 2019, for our summer tour. The tour will be held in western Wisconsin (River Falls/Ellsworth area). The tour will focus on manure treatment technology and the benefits manure processing can provide to nutrient management plan implementation. A vehicle caravan will be used to move from site to site. There is no charge to participate in the tour and all are welcome to attend.
Tour Itinerary
9:00am UW River Falls Mann Valley Research Farm, 129 S. Glover Rd. River Falls, WI 54022. Gather in the Dairy Learning Center for tour sign in and conversation.
9:15am Presentation and tour of an in barn manure composting facility. This simple and effective practice can reduce/eliminate the need for additional manure storage and benefit nutrient management plan implementation by providing a solid, nutrient dense manure. The discussion will include information on the design and operation of the facility and how this technology could apply to Wisconsin’s livestock industry. Leave for Ellsworth around 10:30am.
11:00am Ellsworth Creamery 232 N. Wallace St. Ellsworth, WI 54011. This tour stop will highlight how other agribusiness' deal with their waste streams AND how Wisconsin milk is turned into delicious Wisconsin cheese. BRING YOUR COOLER TO STOCK UP!
11:30am Lunch, the Ellsworth Creamery can provide a box lunch for $9.00 to those who pre-reserve one by July 25. See the next page for more details.12:00pm leave for Son-Bow Farms Inc.
12:30pm Son-Bow Dairy 2686 390th. Ave. Maiden Rock, WI 54750. This tour stop will look at the use of reverse osmosis manure treatment technology to reduce the water content of liquid dairy manure. The treated manure is more nutrient dense compared to raw manure and the process also generates a solid by product that can be used as a soil conditioning amendment. The discussion will address treatment costs, gains in manure handling efficiency and environmental benefits. 2:30 tour adjourns.
A RSVP to assist with planning tour logistics is requested but not required. Please indicate your interest or send questions to Pat Murphy at You can also call Pat at 608-772-2602.
Hope to see you on August 1st!
Ellsworth Creamery Lunch Option
The Ellsworth Creamery can provide a box lunch for pick up following the tour of their facility for a cost of $9.00. Each box lunch comes with a sandwich, 2 oz. of curds, bag of chips and bottle of water or can of pop.
Sandwich options include:
- Ham, Turkey or Roast Beef on a Pretzel Bun
- Chicken Salad on a Multi grain, Cranberry bread
Box lunches must be reserved by July 25. To reserve your box lunch e-mail your sandwich choice to Pat Murphy at . SWCS will handle the billing for the reserved boxed lunches and collect the $9.00 during the morning tour registration at the UWRF Mann Valley Research Farm tour stop and at the Ellsworth Creamery. If you have any questions call Pat Murphy at 608-772-2602 or use the e-mail address above.