June 9, 2020 - June 11, 2020

Minneapolis, Minnesota

UCOWR/NIWR 2020 Annual Water Resources Conference

June 9-11, 2020 in Minneapolis, MN

Submit your Special Session Proposal at z.umn.edu/ucowr2020.


The conference planning committee is pleased to invite special session proposals for the 2020 UCOWR/NIWR Water Resources Conference. These sessions are a vital part of the program, highlighting recent advances and transdisciplinary solutions to address complex water problems.

Near the headwaters of three continental basins, Minneapolis serves as a reminder that water connects distant places and diverse peoples. The committee encourages sessions that frame water resource issues in the context of:

  • Geographic transitions and spatial gradients in land use, population density, and climate.
  • Inclusive engagement among stakeholders to address water competition, conflict, and inequities.

The organizer’s role includes submitting the proposed session, recruiting speakers to submit abstracts for the session, and moderating the session during the conference. Organizers can choose from 90- or 60-minute session formats or propose their own. Creativity is encouraged! Track proposals with multiple sessions are welcome.

Those interested in organizing and hosting a special session should complete the online form at z.umn.edu/ucowr2020

Proposals for Special Sessions will be evaluated by the Conference Planning Committee based on the timeliness and relevance of the topic.

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