November 10, 2020

Please join us virtually to learn how streamside trees transform our waterways by reducing pollution and restoring a stream's natural functions and biology. Insights from Stroud's research on tree care and establishment will also be shared.  This free webinar on stream and buffer ecology is from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm on Nov 10, 2020. Participants are welcome to sign up for the morning or afternoon session or both. The agenda is below. Please pre-register here (Agenda and Registration) and you will receive connection information in the near future.  

Stream and Buffer Ecology Webinar
Hosted by Stroud Water Research Center
November 10, 2020
Optional Morning and/or Afternoon Sessions

9:30 Welcome and Overview of the Day

9:45  Introduction to Stream Ecology and Links to Riparian Forests – David Wise, SWRC

10:15 Video of  how forest is transforming White Clay Creek

10:30 Coffee break

10:45 Watershed Restoration with Aquatic Insects as our Guide – Dr. John Jackson, SWRC

11:30 Buffer Planting and Establishment 101 – Best Practices for Success - Lamonte Garber, SWRC

12:00  Q&A

12:15  Break for Lunch

1:30  Welcome and Overview for Afternoon: Special Topics in Restoration

1:45 Soil Health – Releasing Soil’s Biological Potential for Clean Water - Lisa Blazure, SWRC

2:15  Strategic Choices for Restoring Riparian Corridors  - Matt Ehrhart, SWRC

2:45  Break

3:00  New Research on Buffer Establishment Methods – David Wise,  SWRC

3:30 Adjourn 

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