March 5, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (US Eastern)
Virtual Event
Learn from the experiences of various silvopasture producers in this final webinar of the 6-part series. This panel discussion will be a question-and-answer format, where participants can ask their burning questions. Each producer in this series will have presented their story in an earlier webinar, and in this webinar discussion, follow up with your questions. This is the sixth webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers, and natural resource professionals.
- Leslie Boby, Director, Southern Regional Extension Forestry
- Brett Chedzoy - Senior Resource Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Buron Lanier - Piney Woods Farm
- Wyn Miller - Land management consultant, Wyn Miller Land Solutions
- Buck Holsinger - Holsinger Homeplace Farms
CEU Credits/Certificate Offered:
- New York Logger Training - Trained Logger Certification (NYLT-TLC) - .25 hour NYLT TLC Credit [credits applied for]
- Certificate of Participation
- Society of American Foresters - Certified Forester Education (SAF-CFE) - 1 hour Category 1 Credit
Categories: General Conservation Events