April 4, 2024, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (US Eastern)
This is a MAEAP Phase 1 educational event that fulfills the Emergency Plan requirement of the MAEAP standards. This free event is focused on the importance and contents of a farm emergency plan, with noted Michigan industry experts sharing their knowledge with local landowners, farmers, and conservation professionals. Topics to be discussed include aerial maps, Chemical/Fertilizer/Fuel/EHS storage, important agrichemical information, land features, Sara Title lll (Emergency Planning & Community Right to Know Act), farm response resources, and developing your own emergency planning resources and emergency plan. This event is hosted by the following partners: Ottawa Conservation District, Ottawa County Sheriff's Office Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), MAEAP, and Olive Township.
Refreshments will be provided.
8:30 - Welcome, Sign In, Refreshments
9:00 - Emergency Planning on the Farm; Why is it important with Dan Busby, Regional MAEAP Verifier, MDARD
10:00 - Ottawa County LEPC and Sara Title lll with Derek Schroeder, LEPC & HazMat/Tech Rescue Team Coordinator
10:30 - Preventing Manure Discharges on the Farm and in the Field with Dan Vannette, Schaendorf Farms
Host By ELP Participant: Caryn Dawson