August 7, 2019
The 2019 Advanced Conservation Drainage Training (ACDT) Program brings together diverse members of the agricultural and drainage communities and provides them with knowledge, tools, and connections to make conservation drainage an integral part of tile installation and farm management. Our 2019 series will focus on three conservation drainage practices: saturated buffers, constructed wetlands, and drainage water management. Through classroom exercises, field demonstrations, and expert-led discussions, participants will learn about the science behind how each practice works, gain technical knowledge associated with siting, designing, and constructing conservation drainage practices, and develop strategies to successfully implement practices while overcoming common administrative challenges.
We are recruiting a diverse cadre of trainees (drainage contractors, farmers, engineers, agency experts, crop consultants, etc.) to enhance the learning experience and create a strong, continuing network of regional experts.
Workshops are scheduled throughout Central IL on the dates below:
June 19-20: Saturated buffer training and field day (Champaign)
July 24-25: Constructed wetland training and field day (East Peoria)
August 7: Drainage water management training and field visit (Decatur)
More information:
Registration form: