November 17, 2021, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM (US Pacific)
Water issues in Oregon are becoming more and more critical not only due to changes in the weather, but also because the state population has increased by 400,000 people since 2010. Based on US Geological Survey data, the additional 400,000 Oregonians use 42.8 million gallons of water a day — 107 gallons per person per day — for a total of 15.6 billion gallons of water annually. Population growth is just one of the current trends that impact Oregon’s water use.
Oregon Chapter 2021 Annual Meeting
How do current TRENDS impact WATER use?
Three presentations!
Wednesday, Nov 17th 1:30- 3:30 PM
Free & Virtual
Sarah Zwissler Trout Unlimited, Salmon SuperHwy Coordinator
Travel the Salmon SuperHwy, a partnership-driven effort to remove fish passage barriers and reconnect habitat over the six river-landscape of the Nestucca & Tillamook Bay watersheds.
Aaron Shaw Tualatin SWCD, Director of Natural Resources
Discover how partnerships support the TSWCD habitat program and learn about plans to mitigate for predicted impacts of climate change.
Jeffrey Steiner Global Hemp Innovation Center, Associate Director
Look at hemp and ways to imagine this new crop fitting into Western U.S. agricultural landscapes. After being locked in a time capsule for more than 80 years, there is a lot that needs to be discovered about where different hemp essential oil, grain, and fiber market classes should be grown and how to sustainably manage these in light of changing availabilities of natural resources.