February 26, 2021, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM (US Central)
Come learn about prescribed fire Illinois! This free virtual workshop is open to all and is especially designed for landowners, farmers, conservation professionals, and others interested in learning to safely use prescribed fire as a conservation tool. Speakers will cover a range of topics including fire ecology, safety and equipment, burn plan development, and federal/state programs in Illinois that support prescribed fire on private lands.
Following the workshop, an in-person prescribed fire demonstration is scheduled for 9:00 AM on March 17, 2021 (Rain date March 24) at Comlara Interpretive Trail in Hudson, IL. Contact the McLean County Soil and Water Conservation District at 309-452-03848, Ext. 3 for details and to RSVP.
Feb 26 Agenda:
- 9:00am-9:15am: Welcome (McLean Co. SWCD/Illinois SWCS)
- 9:10am-10:00am: Fire Ecology (Dr. Sean Jenkins, Western Illinois University)
- 10:00am-10:30am: Burn Plan Development (Ben Wilson, Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever)
- 10:30am-10:50am: Break
- 10:50am-11:40am: Fire safety and equipment (Ethan Snively, Macon County Conservation District)
- 11:40am-12:00pm: Federal and local resources for landowners (Adam Wyant, NRCS; Ben Wilson, PF/QF; Tony Kloppenborg, IDNR)
- 12:00pm-12:30pm: Brown bag lunch presentation on western wildfire duty (Nathan Speagle, The Nature Conservancy)