This webcast is a pre-workshop discussion platform for WRF’s project Holistic Approach to Improved Nutrient Management, which was originally planned to include three in-person workshops in the western (San Francisco Bay area), eastern (Philadelphia), and central regions (Iowa). These workshops have been modified to webcasts in the near term, beginning with the sessions conducted on March 19 and June 4 and hosted by the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) and Philadelphia Water Department, respectively. The September 17 webcast featuring Midwestern agricultural and utility representatives will be the third in this series.
This WRF study covers a holistic approach to both urban and agricultural nutrient management issues, with an overarching goal to develop a research roadmap, which outlines innovative approaches and best practices for holistic nutrient management on a national scale.
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Welcome and Introduction
Peter Grevatt, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, The Water Research Foundation
Harry Zhang, PhD, PE, Research Program Manager, The Water Research Foundation
Project Overview and Research Plan
Dave Clark, PE, Principal Investigator, Senior Vice President, HDR
Agricultural Nonpoint Source Strategies and Innovation
Roger Wolf, Director of Innovation & Integrated Solutions, Iowa Soybean Association
Utility Perspectives on Nonpoint Source Partnerships and Partnerships – Understanding Perspectives for Creating Ground Level Partnerships
Steve Hershner, Utilities Director, City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Linda Prokopy, Professor of Natural Resources Social Science, Purdue University
Charlie Stevens, Water Utility Officer, Kansas City Water
Scott Cagle, Assistant State Conservationist (Partnerships), USDA NRCS (Des Moines, IA)
Practices – Current Knowledge of Nutrient Reduction Effectiveness, Scaling, and Receiving Waters
Peter Vanrolleghem, PhD, Professor, Universite Laval
Jane Clary, Vice President, Wright Water Engineers / WRF Stormwater BMP Database Team Coordinator
Mathew Helmers, Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University
Policies – Working Together to Achieve Multiple Benefits and Watershed Optimization
Trent Stober, PE, Co-Investigator, HDR
Paul Kent, Partner, Stafford Rosenbaum LLP
Errin Kemper, Environmental Services Director, City of Springfield, MO
Adam Schnieders, Water Quality Resources Coordinator, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Dave Clark, PE, Principal Investigator, Senior Vice President, HDR |