• Learn from broader scholarship: SWCS members can continue reading up on conservation research through complimentary online access to the journal Society & Natural Resources. In addition, in expanding the journal’s digital presence, JSWC is now part of Taylor & Francis’s traditional and Read and Publish subscription models, topical collections, and subject-specific archives marketed to its extensive networks with libraries and research institutions around the world, offering authors wider readership and inviting more scholarship.
  • Use accessible design and non-text formats: The new layout for articles follows Taylor & Francis’s responsive and accessible design across devices, and includes assistive technology, such as “ReadSpeaker," which reads articles aloud to subscribers. In addition, supporting materials can be added in non-text formats, such as video, audio files, datasets, and full-color images.
  • Find support for writing and sharing research: Taylor & Francis provides training materials on academic writing, plain language summaries, funder policies, and publication ethics as well as SWCS-branded communications services for authors to easily share their work with their networks.

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