2025 Awards and Scholarships Now Open!

SWCS presents awards and scholarships annually to individuals and organizations who have made outstanding contributions in advocating and advancing the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources. All winners will be showcased during the awards luncheon at the 80th SWCS International Annual Conference in Costa Mesa, California (August 3-6, 2025).

SWCS Awards

The awards program of the Soil and Water Conservation Society is designed to recognize individuals and organizations who have made outstanding contributions in advocating the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources. View the awards flyer for details and to share these opportunities.

  • Conservation Innovation Award: In recognition of an outstanding activity, product, or service by a group, business, firm, corporation, or organization that promotes natural resource conservation.
  • Conservation Professional of the Year: In recognition of outstanding accomplishments in practicing and advancing the science and art of natural resource conservation.
  • Conservation Research Award: In recognition of Society members or teams of members whose research has led to exceptional improvements in soil conservation, water conservation, and/or related natural resources research.
  • Fellow Award: In recognition of SWCS members who have performed exceptional service in advocating the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources.
  • Harold and Kay Scholl Excellence in Conservation Award: In recognition of individuals who work on the ground to provide direct and personal delivery or conservation planning and technical assistance.
  • Hugh Hammond Bennett Award: The Society’s most prestigious award in recognition of extraordinary accomplishments in the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources.
  • Society Service Award: In recognition of SWCS members for service to their chapter and/or to the Society.

Nominations may be made by SWCS members and nonmembers for all awards. Self-nominations are welcome.

SWCS Chapters are eligible for two annual awards. Nominations are automatically accepted by submitting the Annual Chapter Activity Report, which is sent directly to chapter leaders. Learn more about chapter awards.


SWCS Scholarships

The Soil and Water Conservation Society has three scholarship opportunities for all members. Many other scholarship opportunities are available through individual chapters. Contact your local chapter directly for information regarding those scholarships. View the scholarships flyer for details and to share these opportunities.

Please note that you must be a member of the Soil and Water Conservation Society at the time of application to apply for these scholarships.

To join SWCS, please go to www.swcs.org/join.

  • Donald A. Williams Soil Conservation Scholarship: Provides financial assistance to members of SWCS who are currently employed but who wish to improve their technical or administrative competence in a conservation-related field through coursework at an accredited college or through a program of special study.
  • Kenneth E. Grant Research Scholarship: Provides financial aid to members of SWCS for graduate-level research on a conservation topic that extends the SWCS mission.
  • Melville H. Cohee Student Leader Conservation Scholarship: Provides financial assistance to members of SWCS who are in their junior or senior year of full-time undergraduate study or are pursuing graduate-level studies with a natural resources conservation orientation at a properly accredited college or university.



View the 2024 Winner Press Release or download the full history of award and scholarship winners.

Contact awards@swcs.org with questions.