SWCS holds specialty conferences on a variety of current conservation topics and issues. If you are interested in or have an idea for a potential workshop, conference, or other collaboration, please contact events@swcs.org.
Making Retail Conservation Real: A National Meeting to Advance Conservation Agronomy in the Private Sector
February 21-22, 2024
Des Moines, Iowa
This two-day meeting brought together leaders in ag retail and conservation from across the country to explore the best methods to advance conservation agronomy in the private sector. Participants shared the trends and drivers of demand, interest, and values that retailer led conservation brings. The most up-to-date information on retailer conservation was unveiled and discussed. Individuals shared about the existing retailer conservation service delivery structures and identify the barriers and solutions needed to increase private sector engagement.
11th International Drainage Symposium
August 30-September 2, 2022
Des Moines, Iowa
The challenge of increasing agricultural production on the world's poorly drained soils in a changing climate, with ever-increasing water quality and quantity concerns, will require technical, economic, policy, and social perspectives. The symposium provided an opportunity for the research, agency, industry, and practitioner communities to interact, share experiences, and address emerging issues related to agricultural drainage.
Final Program
Presentation Slides
North Central Region One Water Action Forum
December 11-13, 2018
Indianapolis, Indiana
The first of its kind, the regional One Water Action Forum sought to bring together a diverse set of stakeholders to deepen the one water dialogue, localize lessons learned by delegates and attendees of the National 2018 One Water Summit, and take steps to put One Water to action in the Midwest.
Visit www.onewaternc.org for more information.
2017 National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health
December 7-8, 2017
Indianapolis, Indiana
The second National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health served as an opportunity to learn recent developments in how cover crops are being used by innovative farmers across the country and gain important insights on improving soil health from producers, conservation leaders, and scientists.
Final Program
Presentation Videos and Slides
Nutrient Management and Edge of Field Monitoring Conference
December 1-3, 2015
Memphis, Tennessee
The Nutrient Management and Edge of Field Monitoring Conference provided an opportunity for researchers, conservation professionals, and farmers from across the nation to discuss edge of field monitoring research, nutrient reduction strategies and activities, and conservation programs that have been successful and innovative.
Final Program
Presentation Slides
Iowa Cover Crops Conference
February 17-18, 2015
West Des Moines, Iowa
The Iowa Cover Crops Conference provided a forum for farmers, industry leaders, and agribusiness professionals to exchange information, discuss opportunities for collaboration, learn about successful cover cropping practices, and troubleshoot challenges that may be encountered.
Final Program
Presentation Slides
National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health
Harvesting the Potential
February 17-19, 2014
Omaha, Nebraska
The National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health brought together 300 agriculture leaders and innovators to explore how we can make American agriculture more sustainable through improved soil health. Attendees represented the agriculture industry, the farm community, academia, government, and commodity and conservation organizations.
As a part of this landmark event, Cover Crops and Soil Health forums took place February 18 at over 200 Natural Resources and Conservation Services (NRCS) and Extension office nationwide. These forums gave farmers and other agricultural professionals the opportunity to send their thoughts to the national conference and engage in local conversations on cover crops and soil health. Forums were attended by an estimated 6,000 people.
Videos of the opening panel sessions and more resources may now be found on the SARE website.
Cover Crops: Practical Strategies for Your Farm
Illinois - January 29-30, 2013 | Decatur, Illinois
Iowa - December 13-14, 2012 | Altoona, Iowa
Cover Crops: Practical Strategies for Your Farm was a day and a half conference targeted to farmers and cover crop service providers. Two events were held, one in Iowa and one in Illinois.
Building Science Assessments for State-Level Nutrient Reduction Strategies
November 13-15, 2012
Davenport, Iowa
Building Science Assessments for State-Level Nutrient Reduction Strategies was a multi-day workshop at which attendees and speakers worked to (a) present the process and results of the science assessment work being done in Iowa on nutrient reduction, (b) provide a workshop environment for state and regional teams in the Mississippi River Basin to collaborate on developing or advancing the process for their state science assessments, (c) offer presentations and posters on additional science resources available to state teams for developing their assessments, and (d) discuss current information on additional science questions.
Workshop Program
Iowa Science Assessment (link to ISU website)
Modeling Summit 2011: Advancing the Science of Modeling
March 29-31, 2011
Denver, Colorado
This meeting provided a forum to exchange information, discuss opportunities for collaboration, and learn about the advantages and limitations of available data sets for inclusion in current and future models. Attendees included modelers and data stewards from federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations, industry, private consulting firms and universities.