As a member of SWCS, there are several ways for you to play an active role in carrying out the Society’s mission.
One opportunity is volunteering to serve on a committee. Joining a committee is a great way to strengthen leadership skills, as well as to network with your peers. Learn more about the function of each committee below.
SWCS Board of Directors
Nominations Committee
Science and Policy Committee
International Committee
Awards and Scholarships Committee
Annual Conference Program Planning Committee
We invite members to join our committees. Please email for more information.
SWCS Board of Directors
SWCS has a governing body known as the Board of Directors, consisting of one director elected by SWCS members from each of SWCS’s regions in the United States (Northwest, North Central, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast). Additionally, four At-Large Directors are appointed by the Board itself. The SWCS CEO serves ex-officio as a non-voting member.
Regional Directors represent the interests of all SWCS members, with specific responsibilities to the members and chapters within their respective regions as required by the Board. At-Large Directors assure that the Board represents public policy and natural resource knowledge, and maintains contact with federal, state, and provincial agencies; other societies; and environmental, agricultural, conservation, and other groups.
Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee nominates candidates who meet the qualifications for Board membership. It also solicits recommendations from SWCS members and chapters for nominees.
Science and Policy Committee
This committee is charged with helping the Board and staff define the core scientific issues that should be priorities for the Society to increase its role in science and science-based policy development. As part of that charge, the committee provides direction and assistance in developing the scientific and technical programs for the Society’s annual conference. In addition, the committee identifies and assists in developing new opportunities to expand the Society’s contribution to science and policy development. Such opportunities may include organizing specialty conferences or workshops, working with staff on proposal development, or recruiting scientists to work with the staff while on sabbatical leave or other temporary assignments.
The committee meets monthly to address policy priorities. Any member of the Society is welcome to join the committee or attend meetings. If you are interested in applying to become part of the 2024-2025 SWCS Science & Policy Committee, email your interest to Rachel Owen ( by June 1, 2024. The committee also selects a student representative to serve on the committee. You can learn more about that opportunity on the Student Leadership Opportunities webpage.
International Committee
The International Committee is a self-directed group of members who work together to raise the visibility of international issues within programs and publications of SWCS as a whole. It has the dual objective of promoting the protection, enhancement, and wise use of soil, water, and related land resources beyond the borders of the United States and Canada, while also raising awareness within the United States-based membership of global issues.
Awards and Scholarships Committee
The Awards and Scholarships Committee assists the SWCS Board of Directors in the selection of recipients for Society awards and scholarships. Through the fall and winter, the committee provides feedback on the application process and promotes the applications to conservation leaders. In the spring the committee reviews applications, makes recommendations to the Board for approval, and writes summaries of winners for SWCS communications. Winners are showcased during the awards luncheon at the SWCS International Annual Conference.
If you are interested in joining the committee, submit the application form by June 30, 2024. Email with any questions.
Annual Conference Program Planning Committee
The Annual Conference Program Planning Committee collaborates to build a strong, science-based technical program for Annual Conference. It decides on yearly theme and special areas of interest, which are used to create a Call for Presentations to solicit symposia, oral presentations, and poster presentations. It also reviews paper submissions and selects presentations for inclusion on the agenda. Plus, Annual Conference Program Planning Committee members receive a discount on Annual Conference registration!
If you are interested in applying to become part of the 2025 SWCS International Annual Conference Program Planning Committee, complete the application form by June 20, 2024.