General Responsibilities
Preside over meetings.
Answer correspondence or refer correspondence to appropriate committee member.
Write letter of welcome to new or transfer members (a membership update is received from Ankeny that will indicate new or transfer members). Provide membership chair with a copy of membership updates.
Decide on emphasis areas and direction for the chapter. Consider an educational as well as social event(s) with emphasis on membership involvement.
Appoint and contact various committee and task group heads to remind them of deadlines. As a chapter we keep several committees continuing from year to year i. e. membership, science fair. As President you can develop task groups to accomplish a certain high priority task. After the task is completed the group is disbanded i. e. Water Quality Symposium.
General Information
The chapter has a travel display booth currently housed at the NRCS La Junta Area Office (719) 384-5408.
We are in the Northern Plains Region of SWCS.
Time Schedule of President's Activities
Hold the Executive Council Meeting at the beginning of the year to plan the year's activities. Decide what you as President want to accomplish for the year. Develop meeting dates and list of functions.
Develop schedule of events and meetings for the year including:
Plan number and timing of newsletters
Write or delegate the writing of the chapter newsletter or email communication on a timely basis; usually 3 to 4 per year. Newsletters and /or email needs to be scheduled so proper notice can be given prior to chapter meeting, events and voting.
Science Fair -You should assist the designate chair with obtaining science fair judges.
Early Summer
Outstanding Farmer-Rancher/Youth/Media Awards - The President does not handle all awards. This only informs the President what the awards are and the procedure.
Farmer/Rancher- CASCD will send SWCS the entries they receive for their awards program. Other nominations are acceptable. Usually receive these in October.
Youth- We alternate between FFA and 4-H. On even numbered years we contact the Colorado FFA Association and they provide us with the name of a deserving youth in the natural resource arena. On odd numbered years, we contact CSU, for a 4-H recommendation.
Media -SWCS publicize all three awards in the newsletter and request assistance from NRCS personnel by writing to the NRCS state office. The state office will publish a bulletin requesting nominations. Do this in early July for all three awards.
Nominations for chapter officers (see by-laws). Nominations need to be completed so ballot can be published and distributed in October.
Arrange for speaker at the "Get Acquainted Luncheon" at the CASCD annual meeting which is usually held the third week of November. SWCS arranges for the speaker on even numbered years. SRM on odd numbered years. Speaker arrangements usually have to be completed by August. Even on the years we do not arrange for the speaker, SRM allows us a brief period of time to present chapter awards.
National Awards -We usually take nominations at the fall meeting if held, if not then take nominations at the annual meeting.
Annual meeting in conjunction with CASCD. Coordinate with CASCD, Executive Director. Obtain a Past-President's pin to present to the out-going President. Prepare a President's report of the year's activities, have committee members and task groups present reports.
Arrange for audit of financial records as needed.
Submit annual report to Ankeny. (Ankeny will mail forms in November).