Committee Goals and Objectives
To retain present Colorado Chapter and Society members.
To implement promotional activities and publicity for the purpose of recruiting new members.
Promote all categories of membership offered by the Society.
Communicate the benefits of Chapter and Society membership.
Committee Responsibilities and Work Schedule
Chairperson holds Council meetings, as appropriate, each year to plan strategies and actions for Chapter membership promotions.
Request Council input in establishing annual overall and interim goals for each class of SWCS membership. (Regular, Spouse, Industrial, life, etc.).
Review annually past and present Chapter membership lists to determine the following:
- Delinquent members
- Former members
- Trends in membership
Job types and employers of members
Develop a prospective membership list for special Council membership drives in each Chapter Council area.
Implement, as determined by the Council, a mailing campaign of specialized promotional letters or materials to prospective members in specific professions.
Develop and/or utilize existing Chapter and parent Society brochures for use as promotional material in special mailings and personal contacts with prospective members.
Solicit member "volunteers" who are willing to make first time or follow-up person-to-person contacts with local prospective members.
Telephone or visit delinquent members to encourage renewal of his or her membership
Coordinate committee efforts by seeking Council approval for tasks and projects that require Chapter funds and/or a concerted effort by the membership.
Submit Council annual operating budget needs to the Chapter Executive council for consideration and approval by no later than February 1.