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Purpose and Mission
The Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization. SWCS serves as an advocate for the conservation profession and for science-based conservation policy.
The mission of the Colorado Chapter of SWCS is to promote the wise use of soil, water, and related resources through scientific, educational, and service-oriented functions. The members promote a stewardship ethic that recognizes the interdependence of people and natural resources.
The Colorado Chapter membership consists of more than 150 people working in many phases of agriculture and natural resources. Colorado SWCS members are committed, informed, effective conservation leaders. SWCS members use the Chapter’s multi-disciplinary structure to create and convey a land and water ethic to the people in Colorado.
Each year the Colorado Chapter hosts a conference on land and water management issues designed to keep conservation professionals and landowners up-to-date with natural resource issues, science, technology, and conservation practices.
Chapter Objectives
Maintain and promote a viable organization with membership from public and private sectors.
Stimulate communication among members and other organizations and individuals working in natural resource disciplines.
Provide information to members and the public to support informed decisions regarding the continued growth in Colorado and its impacts on natural resources.
Provide members and conservation professionals with needed information to make decisions affecting natural resources.
Encourage research, information exchange, and demonstrations related to natural resources.
Join with other natural resources agencies and organizations in providing field days, workshops, and symposia to increase the knowledge of natural resources.
Inform the state legislature about issues that will impact the state’s natural resources and environment.
Provide education opportunities and information to the K-12 school system of Colorado.
Provide a forum for discussion of natural resource issues of concern to the traditional environmental organizations.